

Discussion Groups

Book Discussion Group (Vacancies)

3rd Friday each month

9:30 am
Venue:   South Library
              66 Colombo Street

Due to varying circumstances, we currently have vacancies in our friendly group.

We all read the same title, (which is issued by the Book Discussion Scheme along with some reading notes & suggested questions) and meet on the third Friday of the month for a discussion.

After the meeting we reconvene in the cafe for coffee &/or lunch and some social time for those would you like to.

If you would like to join or just want a chat to find out more details, please contact: 

Convenor:  Bev Kenny - Ph 021 172 3840     This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Science Discussion Group

3rd Wednesday each month

1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
South Library Board Room
               66 Colombo Street

A very wide range of topics is discussed and members often bring articles and videos that interest them to the meeting.  Videos are viewed and/or short presentations are made by members and then discussed. Our focus can shift from arcane theoretical matters to simple, everyday phenomona that has just caught our interest. Absolutely no scientific knowledge is needed or necessary for this group. You just need an inquiring mind........and sometimes a sense of humour! 

Convenor:   Jo - Ph 338 9420

Controversial Current Affairs

3rd Monday each month

2:00pm - 4:00pm
South Library
              66 Colombo Street

This group covers a wide range of topics both local and international, basically anything and everything making the news or of interest.

The topics we discuss are chosen by members of the group and we encourage everyone to suggest their own interests and ideas.  Our discussions can be briefly topical or ongoing, world changing or some light relief, but not boring!

Chairing the meetings is shared between those members who are happy to do this.  If you would rather listen than talk, that’s okay as well.  There are others more than willing to do the talking!

The number of enrolled members is near the maximum but we have never yet had a meeting where everybody turns up so, if you are interested - come along.

Convenor:   Mary Long - Ph 337 9163  |  027 952 1698








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